
If you need Sacramental Records from Incarnation, please CLICK HERE.

Our Catholic faith is a lifelong journey. With each sacrament, from Baptism to Anointing, we receive God’s blessing
and grow closer to the heart of Christ. Follow the links below to learn more about our offerings at Incarnation!

All of the sacraments were instituted by Christ Himself, and each is an outward sign of an inward grace. When we participate in them worthily, each provides us with graces—with the life of God in our soul.

These are the Seven Sacraments:



INFANT BAPTISM: It has been the tradition of the Church to celebrate Baptisms on Sunday. Baptism is the first of the Initiation Sacraments of the Church and has the most symbols associated with it (name, cross, white garment, candle, chrism, water, Litany of the Saints, Word of God, Creed, etc.). The Church has encouraged us to celebrate the sacrament with a community rather than celebrate it privately. This is why we schedule Baptisms on the weekend directly after Mass.

“Baptism makes us members of the Body of Christ: ‘Therefore . . . we are members one of another.'(Eph 4:25) Baptism incorporates us into the Church. From the baptismal fonts is born the one People of God of the New Covenant, which transcends all the natural or human limits of nations, cultures, races, and sexes: ‘For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.'(1 Cor 12:13)” ~Catechism of the Catholic Church – 1267

The parish has the responsibility of ensuring that infants baptized into the Catholic Church will be raised in the faith. Before Baptism, each family must attend a Baptism class, and there must be evidence of personal active faith and the commitment of Catholic parenting. Classes are typically held the 1st Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Chapel Library, and Godparents are encouraged to attend as well. Sign up form with dates is linked below.

Godparent(s) Requirements:

Must have at least one practicing Catholic. No more than two godparents – one male, one female.  Non-Catholic participant/mentor that is part of the baptismal ceremony will be noted as a witness in the baptismal records.

Baptism Schedule: Normally held on the 2nd and Last Sunday of the month. (Must go through Baptism class and registration with the Parish Office first)

Baptisms will not be performed on or during:

  • Advent
  • Lent 
  • Easter Sunday
  • Pentecost
  • Divine Mercy Sunday

To schedule a Baptism, contact the parish office at 941-921-6631.

Here are the forms you will need to fill out. For the ones that you download, they are editable, so simply click on the spaces and fill them out, then save the form and attach to an email to:

Click here to fill out the Baptism Class Sign-up Form

Click here to download the Baptism Registration Form

Click here to download the Baptism Requirements Form  

Godparent/Sponsor Certificate of Eligibility


ADULT BAPTISM (through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults):  We welcome you to join our OCIA program and find out more about the Catholic Faith! From September to Easter, the OCIA program enables people to learn about the teachings of the Catholic faith and to encounter Christ in a personal way. Those involved meet on Sunday morning at 10:30AM. 

On the First Sunday of Lent, those who have decided to become Catholic, publicly indicate their desire to enter the Catholic Church by making a simple verbal assent. Baptism, Confirmation, and 1st Holy Communion typically occur at the Easter Vigil surrounded by their new community. Arrangements to begin the OCIA program can be made by calling Leslie Hutchison at 914-921-6631. To read more about it check out our OCIA page.



Homebound parishioners and those in hospitals or nursing homes are welcome to call the Parish Office to arrange to have weekly Communion brought to them.   

Preparation for First Holy Communion ordinarily occurs in second grade through our Religious Education program.

Preparation for adults takes place through the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) process. Contact Leslie Hutchinson at 921-6631.



The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated during high school. High School students enter the Confirmation Preparation Program, which journeys our young people into discipleship as young Christians. Information can be found at our Religious Education page.

Preparation for adults who have not yet been confirmed is ordinarily done through the RCIA process. If you have questions or to sign up, please contact Leslie Hutchinson at 921-6631 or read more at our OCIA page.



The regularly scheduled time for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is Saturday morning following the 8:30am Mass, and Saturday afternoon  from 3:30-4:30 p.m.  Other arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office.  
*Special Penance services with multiple priests hearing confessions are scheduled during Advent and Lent. 

For First Confession Preparation for children, please see our Religious Education page. 

“On the evening of that day, the first day of the week,” Jesus showed himself to his apostles. “He breathed on them, and said to them: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’ (Jn 20:19, 22-23).”

When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I Myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy.” (Jesus to St. Faustina, Diary 1602)



The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1604) tells us that love is “the fundamental and innate vocation of every human being.” For many, this vocation of love is lived out through the Sacrament of Marriage where the “two become one flesh” freely giving themselves to one another

We are very happy that you want Jesus to be a part of your wedding ceremony and your marriage! The Sacrament of Christian Marriage is a great communal celebration, which is mysteriously linked to the spousal love of Christ for His Church. This is why it is so appropriate that it take place both inside a Catholic church and during Mass. In this way the marriage is blessed in His Presence — in His House, where He always remains in the Tabernacle out of love for us, and in the Mass where we become one flesh with Him by receiving Him in Holy Communion. Click here to go to our extensive Marriage Planning Section where you can find everything you need to plan your wedding here at Incarnation!



This Sacrament is celebrated at the parish, home or hospital by special request when someone is sick or having surgery. If you will be in the hospital for surgery or extended care, there is often a priest affiliated with the hospital specifically to minister to patients. At Sarasota Memorial, this priest is contacted through St. Martha’s. Simply ask your nurse or at the information desk. If there is no priest at the hospital you are at, feel free to contact the Parish Office to arrange for the celebration of this sacrament.

If you or a loved one are a parishioner of Incarnation and need Last Rites (which includes Anointing of the Sick, Confession & Communion if possible, and also special prayers for the dying), please DO NOT WAIT UNTIL DEATH IS IMMINENT. Contact the Parish Office and schedule for a priest to come so that they are able to get there in time. The best is to call days in advance when someone is in hospice, or the doctors have said there is nothing more they can do. Our priests are very dedicated to providing the Sacraments, but they have many demands on their time, and they may be in the middle of another sick call or Mass and not be able to get there in a matter of hours.  

Also remember we have a prayer line to pray for your needs, so please let us know if you are sick or having surgery! (Call Jo Rohr at 804-317-5050) 



Those considering a vocation to the priesthood, permanent deaconate, or religious life are encouraged to contact one of our priests, or the Diocesan Vocation Office.