Parish Ministries and Organizations
Liturgical Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Service Ministry
Social Ministry
Come bring the gifts God gave you and join us in ministry!
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, unmovable, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor in the lord is not in vain.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58
Liturgical Ministries
Music Ministry – Kyle Mange (Click on name to email) Director of Sacred Music 941-921-6631
Come join us! You do not need to read music, just love singing and be able to carry a tune. Music Ministry is a great way to make new friends, share your talents, enjoy the camaraderie of working with others, expand your musical skills and experience the joy of prayer through music.
Altar Guild – Mary Meyer, 941-922-8784
Members of the Altar Guild share in the blessing of preparing the space and the materials necessary for the celebration of Eucharistic Liturgy. We also need people to simply help each Wednesday at 9AM with the plants, filling the Holy Water fonts, and little things like that. If you are able to help with that or with the cleaning of the Sacred Space or by washing, ironing, or sewing of the liturgical cloths, please call for more info. We can use any and all hands! Your assistance will be very much appreciated. Call Mary Meyer above or email our Head Sacristan Cathy Jendrysik.
Extraordinary Ministers – Erin Flynn: (Click on name to email) or call 941-921-6631 ext. 223
These Ministers distribute Holy Communion at daily and weekend liturgies. We have a beautiful program for our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to receive the spiritual, Theological, and practical preparation needed to fulfill your role with knowledge and reverence. Extraordinary Minsters safeguard the Holy Eucharist and show reverence by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated Hosts. Please contact Erin at the email above and she’ll get you all the information you need!
Lectors/Readers – Eileen Parkinson 941-556-9042
Lectors are parishioners who desire to serve at weekend and weekday liturgies by proclaiming the Word of God. The ministry requires a familiarity with the scripture texts and practice each time the lector is scheduled to read. A strong speaking voice is helpful, but most importantly, a love of sacred scripture and a willingness to learn and practice oral proclamation skills such as, eye contact, enunciation, diction, inflection, pacing, projection and pronunciation. Training and periodic reviews help the lector to share God’s word in a meaningful way.
Altar Servers – Kathy Connett, 941-350-4848
Being a server means serving God and His people at Mass on Sundays, holy days and at funerals. This important service to the Church is open to all young people of the parish. To be considered for this ministry, you must have made your First Communion and be in the 4th grade or above. Adult servers are also needed for funeral liturgies.
Ushers & Greeters – Tom Belleman 941-263-9635
Men and women who greet and direct parish members, collect the offertory gifts and assist the handicapped. They should be warm, cheerful, and have a desire to help and welcome all those who come through our doors. This ministry is so important because our hospitality and service make us visible witnesses to Christ. Our ushers and greeters are often the first encounter people have with our community here, and can truly set the tone of welcome, charity, and reverence for the experience of the faithful at Mass.
Children’s Liturgy – Parish Office: 941-921-6631
Children’s Liturgy helps to bring the gospel message to the younger children of our parish at their level. It is held during the 9:00am Mass every Sunday while Religious Education classes are in session. The children are dismissed before the first readings and return at the offertory. Teachers and aids are always needed! For more information on this ministry or to volunteer as a teacher or teacher’s aid, please give Molly a call.
Pre-Planning- Leslie Hutchison 941-921-6631 ext. 228
This is a ministry offered by our church so that you can give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind by planning your funeral or memorial Mass. By selecting the readings and music you would like, and designating the role of family members or friends, they do not experience the anxiety of not knowing your wishes. There is no cost for this service. Leslie would be happy to meet with you to plan the Liturgy which will be used when you leave this Earth to begin life in your new eternal home. She considers it an honor to be of assistance to you.
Prayer Ministries
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) – Leslie Hutchison, 921-6631.
OCIA, Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly RCIA), is for those seeking entry into the Catholic Church or those Catholics wanting to learn more about their faith. It is a journey in which people grow in understanding, spirituality, and faith. Anyone interested may attend classes without committing to the process of initiation and volunteers are always needed! The OCIA program begins in the fall and ends at Easter with the candidates experiencing full initiation at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday.
Religious Education – Parish Office: 941-921-6621
Catechesis is a teaching and evangelization ministry that provides the opportunity for adults and children to learn more about their Faith and the love God has for them. We are always in need of volunteer catechists and helpers! Catechists are called by the Spirit to share the Faith with those in Religious Education, Children’s Liturgy, and Adult Formation, fostering their relationship with Jesus while teaching the beauty of the Catholic Faith. A love of the Catholic Faith and a desire to share it is all that’s necessary — we will help you all along the way!
Eucharistic Adoration – Lucy Gatza 616-856-8606
This ministry welcomes all parish members to join us in our beautiful chapel for an hour of quiet prayer before the exposed Eucharistic Presence of Jesus. We always need people to sign up for a specific hour every week, and also those who can just fill in for people who can’t make their scheduled time. For more information call Lucy Gatza at 953-4857.
Bible Study – Deacon Pat Palumbo 921-6631
Deacon Pat offers classes on the scriptures throughout the year. They are offered on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am evenings at 7:00pm. These classes are held in the Finegan Center.
Divine Mercy Cenacle – Karen Severino: 815-341-3170
We have begun this beautiful group again and will meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 7-8:30PM with an optional 30 minutes of adoration at the close of the night from 8:30-9PM (our normal adoration in the chapel here at Incarnation ends at 9PM on Tuesdays). The cenacle is a small faith-sharing group. It is as old as the Church itself. Our focus is on the message of Divine Mercy as found in Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Diary of St. Faustina, with a special emphasis on the Eucharist.
Arimatheans/Pallbearers – Parish Office 941-921-6631
The Arimatheans are a group of concerned parishioners who volunteer to attend funerals of deceased parishioners. Just as Joseph of Arimathia cared for the body of Christ, our parishioners see to it that no one is laid to his or her final rest alone.
Micah’s Men – Richard Filson (941) 356-0836 Brad Lawhead (412) 952-8152 Roger Grenier (941) 993-2908
With Micah 6:8 as its guiding principle, the new parish ministry, Incarnation’s Micah’s Men provides a venue for exploring scripture and its applicability to daily life. It also serves as a confidential men’s support group rooted in a scriptural foundation. Micah’s Men meet every Monday at 6:30pm in the Incarnation Library (across from chapel), for approximately 1 ½ hours.
Meetings are comprised of evening prayer (Compline) after which scripture for the coming weekend liturgy is read and discussed. Ample reference material is available on-line for meeting preparation. Call one of our men above with any questions!
Hispanic Ministry – Patty Vargas – 941-228-3431
La misión principal del Ministerio Hispano, es ayudar a cómo establecer una relación personal con Dios y crecer juntos espiritualmente en éste mundo difícil de hoy. Contando con la inclusión de la riqueza cultural hispana.
The primary mission of Hispanic Ministry is to help you establish a personal relationship with God and grow together spiritually in today’s difficult world. I’m counting on this bringing about the inclusion of Hispanic cultural richness (here at Incarnation)
*Meet every third Saturday of the month from 9:30 am to 12 pm in the Finegan Center Conference Room.
Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle of Prayer – Pat Bretherton 371-7443
The purpose of the Cenacle is to make us grow in the life of consecration to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. The format includes an invocation to the Holy Spirit, the rosary, various prayers, a litany, and a prayer of consecration to Our Lady. The Cenacle meets every Sunday from 3:30 – 5:00pm in the Parish Center Conference Room.
Charismatic Prayer Group – Mike Hargesheimer- 302-2342
The Charismatic Prayer Group is a group that meets weekly to praise and worship God. The group meets every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Parish Center.
Children of Mary Rosary Group – Lois Smolinski 400-3186
This group gathers together on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Incarnation Chapel. We pray three of the four Mysteries of the Rosary, the Litany to the Blessed Mother, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Please join us for part or all of this lovely prayer offering.
Legion of Mary – Sylvia Kurt 356-3569
The Legion of Mary is a dedicated ministry of men and women who love Our Lady and wish to do her work in this world. You are invited to The Legion Of Mary meeting on any Tuesday at 5:15-7:15 pm in the Religious Ed Office. We think you will find this to be an interesting meeting; one based on Legion spirituality and practical works. Come, listen and follow the inspiration that Mary gives you! For more information on this ministry or to join the Legion of Mary, please contact Susan Gordon, 321-3663.
Little Rock Scripture – Jane Norton 350-7131
Friendly, informal gatherings present an opportunity to learn scripture and to meet with other parishioners who rapidly become friends. Studies are six to eight weeks in duration and focus on a specific book of the Bible or Scripture theme.
Parish Library – Parish Office 921-6631
The Library endeavors to provide books, tapes and videos for the enjoyment, education, and spiritual encouragement of members of the parish. Our collections include a variety of materials for prayer, self-help, and spiritual nourishment as well as lives of saints and other biographies, church history and liturgy and assorted fiction and non-fiction. The library is located in the church foyer. Please call for times of operation.
Prayer Line – Jo Rohr – (Only if you cannot email, call 804-317-5050)
Parish Prayer Line takes requests to pray for those who are ill, for thanksgiving, or for special needs. Volunteers are needed to help in praying for these requests. For more information on this ministry or to volunteer for the Parish Prayer Line, please contact Jo at the email above.
Respect Life – James and Sylvia Kurt 371-7339
The Catholic Church asserts and affirms the inherent dignity of all human persons. Respect Life is involved with all the issues that pertain to a better way of life for all God’s people, from the unborn to the elderly. Respect Life cooperates and participates in local and Diocesan Pro-Life events throughout the year. For more information on this ministry or to volunteer for Respect Life.
Rosary Makers – Linda Pettit 216-375-3296
Members make rosaries each month at their own pace, on their own schedule, so this is a great ministry for those wishing to work out of their homes. We are always looking for new Members.
Vacation Bible School – Parish Office: 941-921-6631
Service Ministries
Care Ministry/Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) to the Sick & Homebound – Parish Office 921-6631
These ministers bring Christ to those in need through their compassionate presence and by bringing the Eucharist to those who cannot come to Mass because of illness. They visit those who are homebound, in the hospital, or in care facilities, and are sensitive to the overall well-being of the person, reporting any concerns to the ministry coordinator.
Knights of Columbus – Bryan Hoskinson, Grand Knight 941-320-7111
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.8 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. To be a part of this fine organization of Catholic men 18 years and older, please call Steve Wyer. Visit our Council website at for more information. Help us to continue our works of charity for the parish, school and community. Join us!
Good Samaritans – Pat Ward 955-8512
The Good Samaritian motto is “Helping Good Neighbors and Good Neighbors Helping.” This ministry provides rides to medical appointments for those who otherwise would not have the needed transportation. If you want to help your neighbors and were wondering how to get involved, here is one way! For more information on this ministry or to volunteer as a Good Samaritan just give Pat a call!
St. Vincent de Paul -Jason Peters 921-6631
- The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul: “A Our Mission: A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”
- Who We Are: Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, finding inspiration in Christ’s life of service to others. St. Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic Ozanam captured this spirit and made it part of their lives and works. This is the heritage transmitted to all Vincentians.
- Where We Meet: The Incarnation Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society meets the last Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Finegan Center Conference Room. There are currently 30+ active members and several Associate Members. There is also the option to be a Contributing Member by participating in works of service by making ongoing monetary gifts or donating professional services. Our annual special activities are the Bethesda House Drive, School Supply Drive, Thanksgiving Wauchula Drive, Christmas Giving Tree and Adopt-a-Family. Donations to the Poor Box in the main church and chapel go directly to assist those in need. Almost 100 home visits and more than 250 other in-person visits were made in 2018 by our volunteer caseworkers. That resulted in more than 550 individuals receiving support for rent assistance, utility bills, auto repairs, medical expenses or food.
Social Ministries, Support Groups, and Clubs
Youth Group – PAUSED, BUT WE ARE HOPING TO CONTINUE THIS IMPORTANT MINISTRY SOON! Our mission is to support teens, give them an environment and a community where they can encounter Christ, grow in their faith, and share the love of Jesus with others.
This is done through small groups, engaging talks and discussions, and socializing. Whether you are actively pursuing your faith and striving to be a disciple of Christ, or simply hoping to connect with a group of people to dive deeper into faith, we welcome you to this vibrant community of young people!
Little Flowers Girls’ Club – Angela Molineaux-970-214-2704
Little Flowers Girls’ Club is a Catholic club for girls in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade that teaches virtues through scripture, saint biographies, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We incorporate crafts, games, parties, fellowship and fun into learning about these important virtues and amazing Saints!
Please note there is a fee for joining. This fee covers most materials including club shirt, book, badges, sash – if first year student, craft materials, & most snacks with the exception of parties. Scholarships are available on a need basis. (Contact Angela for information.)
Click here for our registration form and if you have any questions, contact Angela at the number above.
Bereavement Ministry – Leslie Hutchison: 941-921-6631 ext. 228
For those suffering the loss of a loved one or a chronic or terminal illness, there is the opportunity for individual conversation with Leslie and periodic group support.
Men’s Club – Herb Osmussen, President 321-3482
Mission Statement – “To provide for the men in the parish to come together once a month for a dinner meeting to extend the warm hand of friendship and comaraderie. We seek to do the Lord’s work in generosity and love to one another and to our Parish of the Incarnation. By the grace of God, the example of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to accomplish our mission within and beyond our community.” This Club is primarily social but also participate in several service projects throughout the year. Annual dues are $20.
Women’s Club – Jerra Alexander 374-3618
“The mission of the Organization shall be to promote a spirit of unity and cooperation among the women of Incarnation Parish in religious, educational, social and humanitarian interests; to engage in such forms of Christian action and benevolent work as may commend themselves to this organization.” All ladies of the parish are welcome to join. Dues are $15 per year.
Sociable Singles 50+ – Laurie Merson 770-865-6380
A group of friends that meet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner at various locations. There is also a group that plays cards once a month. Contact Laurie for more info!
“The laity can also feel called, or in fact be called, to cooperate with their pastors in the service of the ecclesial community, for the sake of its growth and life. This can be done through the exercise of different kinds of ministries according to the grace and charisms which the Lord has been pleased to bestow on them.”
~ Pope Paul VI