Frequently Asked Questions
Is the music ministry for you?
Our music ministry welcomes all members of the community
who wish to share their musical talents.
Children, high school students, adults, trained and untrained vocalists,
and experienced instrumentalists are invited to join.
Don’t they already have all the members they need?
Not at all! Our music ministry needs you! Without volunteer ministers from this parish, our music ministry would not be possible.
What if I don’t read music or have any formal training?
Most of our choirs do not have professional musical training. This is attained through ongoing training under their director and gained experience.
Do I need to audition?
Auditions are not required. This group consist of all volunteers who want to share their voices, learn along the way, build community, and everyone comes from many different backgrounds in music experiences. We love our new members!
If I am only in Florida for part of the year, can I still join?
Yes, we have members that are here in winter only and we welcome them! Feel free to join our choir at any time!
I would love to sing in the choir but due to time restraints cannot commit the whole year. Are there opportunities to sing at Christmas and Easter?
Yes! It will be announced in the bulletin when extra practices are scheduled (usually on Saturday mornings) and all are welcome to learn seasonal music and participate in this capacity.
How do I get started?
Contact Lori Martin, music director, to get more information or to sign up.
or 941-921-6631 x220