New Ministry: Micah’s Men

With Micah 6:8 as its guiding principle, the new parish ministry, Micah’s Men provides a venue for exploring scripture and its applicability to daily life. It also serves as a confidential men’s support group rooted in a scriptural foundation. Micah’s Men meet twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Monday, at 6:30 P.M., in the Incarnation Library (across from chapel), for approximately 1 ½ hours.

Meetings are comprised of evening prayer (Compline) after which scripture for the coming weekend liturgy is read and discussed. Ample reference material is available on-line for meeting preparation. Call one of our men below with any questions!

Richard Filson (941) 356-0836    

Brad Lawhead (412) 952-8152    

Roger Grenier (941) 993-2908