Join us on Thursday March 31st for our
annual Lenten Penance Service. We will have over 10 priests from the area with us that night to hear confessions!
“When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I Myself act in your soul. “ ~ Diary of St. Faustina, 1602
“Confession, like Communion, is not just a ritual; it’s not just something Catholics do; it’s not just about receiving grace. It’s about responding to God in such a way that our lives are dramatically changed. “When we sin, we wound ourselves; we disfigure ourselves, so that, though we were created to be like God, we don’t resemble Him anymore. We don’t look like Him, we don’t think like Him, we don’t act like Him. … Jesus wants to restore us in the Father’s likeness. How? Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He told St. Faustina that the greatest miracles take place in the confessional, and that there is no sinner who cannot be restored.
As I mentioned in Secret 1, God’s focus is not on our sin, but on our relationship with Him. He’s focused on our pain — on our woundedness. He knows what sin is! He knows that sin is misery, that it’s sickness. He knows that we’re aching, and He wants to heal us, to restore all that has been lost. As the Catechism simply expresses it: In confession, we let ourselves be healed by Christ. #1458 …
No image of confession is as powerful for me as the image of the prodigal son wrapped in the arms of his father. Confession is when our misery meets His mercy, and all is restored in the Father’s embrace.”
~ From the Book 7 Secrets of Confession by Vinny Flynn