Wild Goose Series

No Greater Love-Lenten Bible Study

Children’s Choir

Pews are now open!

Vacation Bible School!

July 19-23, 2021 – Registration now open! At Rocky Railway Totally Catholic VBS, kids discover that Jesus’ power can pull them through life’s ups and downs. Rocky Railway is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste!
…Holy Week & Easter Schedule

Welcome to the new site!

There is a lot of information on here, and a lot has changed during Covid times with ministries, etc., so there will no doubt be names and information that need to be updated. We will be checking and adding and …
Groups Starting Up!
We’re excited to have two offerings for people who want to grow deeper in their faith coming soon. All Covid-19 protocols will be followed for our meetings. Deacon Steve will be leading a Bible Study coming up soon and Fr. …
All Things New – A Night of Music, Eucharistic Adoration, & Confession
We Are Open!
Just to update everyone on what’s happening currently here with Mass and events. All Covid19 protocols are followed with masks, social distancing, and sanitizing all areas, and we are very happy to have many of our parishioners back!
We have …