Ok, here we go ICC Family!
Please note: During power outages with loss of internet, the quickest and easiest way for us to get updates out is via our Facebook page, because as long as we still have cellular coverage we can quickly post there from our phones. Please be sure you have liked our page and check there first for updates during weather emergencies.
*Offices will be closed beginning at noon on Tuesday through Wednesday.
*No adoration Tues-Wed.
*Regular Masses Tues., no 7AM Mass Wed., but we WILL have the 11AM unless something drastic changes. Again, Facebook is the best place to check for updates in these situations.
*Be safe, pray for no leaking in our chapel, and for all those who will be in the direct path of this storm.
May the peace of Jesus and the comfort of the Holy Spirit rest in your hearts through all of this.