Elementary (Grades 1-5)
Family Faith Program

Elementary Religious Education is for those in 1st through 5th grade and is a part of our broader Family Faith Formation Program.
Our program consists of 3 parts:
Family Faith events, Parent sessions, and classroom sessions. Fact sheet below and click to REGISTER HERE
Family Faith Program of Incarnation Catholic Church
(For families with children in grades Prek-8)
Mission for the Family Faith Program
- The Christian Family is the first and primary place of education for faith, prayer, engaging the sacramental life of the Church, and growing in relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Our primary goal as a Religious Education program is to provide parents with the support to raise their children in the Catholic Faith and build a family life which is built upon and completely intertwined with our faith. We want to encourage and support daily family prayer, discussions of faith, love for Scripture and the Eucharist, and charity to all.
Registration information
- Registration begins on August 5th, 2024
- To register online, please go HERE
- If online access is not available for a family, paper registration forms will be available in the Parish Office.
- Cost to participate is for each household and all books and supplies are included.
- Each household needs to fill out their own registration.
- Partial scholarships are available.
- Contact the Director of Religious Education if this need is applicable to your family.
Class information and attendance
- We will meet two Sundays a month
- There will be separate classes for children and parents along with faith-related activities for parents and children to do together.
- Attendance at all sessions is expected every month and essential to the Family Faith Program.
- NOTE: Parents (at least one, ideally both) are expected to attend faith formation sessions with their children.
- Family Faith Program activities will be shared at each gathering for the families to do together at home. It is strongly encouraged to complete them and use them as a tool to grow in faith together.
Sacrament Classes:
- Preparation classes for First Reconciliation and First Communion are offered for 2nd Graders in conjunction with the Family Faith Program. If an older child has not yet received First Reconciliation and First Communion, please speak to the Director of Religious Education.
- If you have any questions regarding the above information or would like to volunteer, please email
Eva Gontis, Director of Religious Education or call her at 941-924-9566.
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