Hurricane Update Ok, here we go ICC Family! Please note: During power outages with loss of internet, the quickest and easiest way for us to get updates out is via our Facebook page, because as long as we still have cellular …
Lent & Easter Schedule We look forward to seeing you and your loved ones at our beautiful events and liturgies during Lent and Easter! …
Raise the Roof! Welcome to our Campaign Page!Please share with anyone who might be willing to help us repair our beloved church, following the damage from Hurriane Ian. We had extensive roof damage, along with water damage in our rectory and office …
Christmas Schedule Come and worship with us (and bring your family and guests) as we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Don’t forget to register by 12/6 for our Parish Christmas Party on 12/10! Just go to “Events” in …
One of our own Veterans Honored US Army Colonel (Retired) Bobbie Fernander was honored as one of three gift bearers for the Veterans Day Mass with Bishop Frank J. Dewane at St. Patrick’s Church.Bobbie is a dear friend to many of the members of our …
Tropical Storm Closures From the Pastor: Due to the approaching tropical storm, all parish activities and events, including Adoration, are canceled for Thursday, November 10. Incarnation Catholic School will also be closed, along with the Parish Office.Mass will be still …